Death of a Mother

Death of a Mother

A young loving mother died
While feeding in lap her child.
All the milk was spilt,
And hands of love turned stiff.

The child looked upon the sky,
It sobbed, cursed and cried.
The earth sighed and trembled,
It could not bear sobs tender.

Tyrant Death saw it and smiled
While merciful God shut His eyes.
Angels too, showed indifference,
They went on singing hymns.

Stars soon hid their face,
A youth had run its race.
Dew wept bitterly all the night,
Morning was not fair and bright.

Joys and toys lost their charm,
Child wept to make its mother warm.
Death drunk with absolute power,
Refused Mercy to enter that bower.

Only Nature grieved with the child
While Fate cruel grinned with delight.
Death bellowed over its victory grand,
As an elephant, after treading an ant.

Oh God! Pardon this blasphemy,
In your world injustices are many.
Set them right, I do pray,
Or Evil will have a field day.

Prismatic Rays of One Light

Prismatic Rays of One Light

See that sweet child plays there
Under its mother’s loving care
As if it were my own childhood;
Child smiles when at it I look.

Now he bubbles with sudden laughter
Unaware of world’s disasters,
My childhood and I face to face,
Happy meeting, a thrilling phase.

There beside the child is sitting,
Its mother, doing some knitting,
As my fate knit that for me,
She once my love, now a mother I see.
She looks cheerfully at her child,
While I stand hidden from her sight;
Her smile is reflection of her babe’s,
I feel at her lips my past plays.

I smile in her, in her I live,
Yet she is she and I’m ‘I’ still.
But does she not live in All ?
Beauty she is and that is God.

Whom we love, with whom we play?
We different toys of same clay.
We please none, we tease none,
Various roles are played by One.

After all, we all share One Life,
We are prismatic rays of One Light;
All rivulets gush from One Lake,
We are ripples different, of One Wave.

Henceforth, I shall never grudge
That my beloved, my precious jewel,
Now lies in the chest of someone else;
For in all I live, and I love my Self.

God Did Not Play Dice

God Did Not Play Dice

God did not play dice
When He created life.
There was a method,
Subtle and superb
That controlled His empire,
Constituted of liquid fire,
Time and space, sound and rays.

It is cosmos not chaos,
Neither created from nothing
Nor to be reduced to nought.
Resting on some invisible arch,
Interlinked with viewless string,
Stars reeling and greeting,
Merrily blink and cross.

Billion trillion stars,
Millions of light years afar,
Do shape the things
On this tiny earth
That looks like a squib,
In danger of a hit
Yet safe in its orbit.

In this puzzling world,
All revolves in a circle;
Nothing is left to chance,
It is a measured dance;
There is rhythm sweet and clear,
Softly echoing in the sphere,
But inaudible to mortal ears.

Every note in this space
Is ringing at the desired place,
Throwing a charm over His art,
Making it a unique universe.
All is done to keep harmony
In this great grand symphony.
The rhythm enthrals each entity !

The Spiral Life

The Spiral Life

The spiral life, an endless race,
No flat racing, a steeple chase;
Reaching point is out of sight,
Restless soul cries for light.

Dim is the day, dark is the night,
Foggy morn obscures the sight;
But I will face snags and shoals,
Heaven help! I’ll reach the shore.

The path is risky and untravelled,
But light within is a magnetic needle
That intuitively guides me back home
To which my homesick soul belongs.

Something Works in the Womb

Something Works in the Womb

I love that flower,
I love this leaf,
Something lurks in bower
That also lurks in me.

This weed is not dead,
That rock is not cold;
Something in womb works,
That sustains and supports.

I wonder at this seed,
See, how it grows bold!
Huge tree comes out of it,
To bring in millions more!

Billions of its own kind,
Take birth in its leaves,
All gush from earth blind,
Colours bright and fruit sweet.

Dust of this earth sustains,
Wolves, weeds and stone;
It is the boon, it is the bane,
It can smile and moan.

Fruits take their taste,
Flowers suck their smell;
All things He creates
From this dusty earth.



When I turn back the pages of life,
Something golden glitters in my eyes.

Ah! Where is youth, my colourful youth!
In the starry sky my moon-like youth!

I was young and world was gay
When millions bowed in my way.
I frowned and all would fade,
I sang and the earth swayed.

Millions fluttered at my wink,
I blushed and all turned pink.

I smiled for all, wept for none,
World loved me but I loved one.

I loved one and that was me,
All else were at my knee.

Dreams were then in technicolour,
Blissful were those precious hours.

I would refuse to go to heaven,
Were it offered to me then.

But nothing remains of that delight,
Which haunts me now day and night.

Trail in memory those sweet days,
The present is crippled by old age.

Though that love was afflicted by pain,
Yet I remained wild and untamed.

Sweet pain, that pain was sweet,
Let it come again and let me weep.

Even tears would wash away the worries,
As poison cures some chronic disease.


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