The Divine Urge

The Divine Urge

If the inky vastness of the Cosmos
Has evolved innumerable lustrous forms,
It may produce its own clone in good time.
If inanimate chemicals can be transformed
Into complex life-building blocks,
Just by the pulsation of Time,
Who can prevent the Universe
From getting into the family way?
There is space enough to surrogate
And sustain a Baby Cosmos.
A perfect Whole will come out of the perfect Whole
Leaving behind the balance intact!
What a divine machine is the Universe!
In the zero hour the earth was a hot bed
For the Soul to lie with Matter and manifest Itself.
But now a single atom can reverberate its ancestral bang;
A single gene, a single thought can shake
And shape the whole globe.
Matter pregnant with Divinity is wedded to Eternity.
Evolution onward is the divine urge.
All Matter is loaded with Energy enough
To be eternally in a state of flux.

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