Infinite and Perfect

Infinite and Perfect

Did life build itself bit by bit ab initio ?
How did it acquire the magic wand of biogenesis?
How consciousness flowered out of the inanimate matter?
Can anything erupt out of nothing?
Wasn’t it already there waiting for the clubbed manifestation?
Who tinged the neurons with ethics of the time?
Knowledge activates the eager ignorant;
Heaven gave a fillip to the tractable earth.
The Hypnotist’s commands for the pliant nucleus
Are too authoritative to be ignored;
Or else, which self-sufficient machine would cancel itself out?
Cells cultured to clones and replicas
Are nothing but an indulgent nod from above.
Intelligence is not fermentation of the elements,
Nor Soul is the quark of any particle.
It is per se infinite, perfect and Whole.

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